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The Road to Success
Why this will work for you, too

Dear Reader: No matter what you do for a living - whether you're a doctor, a lawyer, a housewife, a clerk or an auto mechanic - do you find yourself thinking, "there must be a better way, a less complicated way, a smoother road...?"

THERE IS. The first key to finding a different road is a "Road Map." If you just drive aimlessly through life, it could take you twice as long to reach your destination and perhaps, like most people in this country, you would find yourself lost and tired, giving up on your goals and desires, and never reaching your destination. The road map is knowledge; it's your guide that keeps you on course. The reason for this web site is not only to let you see that additional income, lifestyle and flexibility are possible, but primarily to show you that we have found a way to build a successful business by taking advantage of today's megatrends, using today's knowledge and technology, and providing a personal coach as your guide to success. You can have a good plan, but that is only a start. If you don't have a coach to give you the personal attention and guidance that helps you learn the new skills and develop a new thinking process, you still wind up on your own - and it's very difficult to succeed alone. Imagine the Value of Having Someone Teach and Guide You to Success!

Be careful, because you have two choices right now: one is that you can choose to read no further and leave this web site. If you choose not to read on we bid you farewell and wish you good luck in your journey. However, if you're not happy with your financial future, with your lifestyle, with the amount of time you spend with your family, or with the future you can offer your children; we encourage you to read on and learn how regular people like you are earning extraordinary incomes BY "FREELANCE WORKING" Program. We are willing to share with you the results we've achieved. It's then up to you to decide whether this is for you or not. You do not need to possess any sort of business background or experience to make this work. We have a turn-key system in place for those who are willing to learn and be teachable. By ordering your "decision package", you will receive all you need to get yourself moving towards financial independence. Please do not request our Decision Package if you are not serious about changing the course in your life right now.

Perhaps you're an established executive or in middle management in Corporate America, complete with $50,000+ a year salary and perks, yet you feel that you're stuck. You may find yourself in that "rock vs. hard place" situation of working more hours for less money, wondering day-to-day if you'll be "downsized" yet can't afford to quit. Or maybe your tired of asking your kids, "How much will your new baseball uniform cost?" or choosing your anniversary dinner based solely on the prices listed on the menu, or packing a ham sandwich for the office lunch instead of going out with your coworkers or driving a car that's 10 years old, or living in an apartment instead of owning your own home - free and clear with no mortgage payment. . .

Is This You? Do You Feel the Frustration??? If any of the above relate to you, we invite you to come join the thousands of couples, retirees, single parents, students, professionals; average people working from home, setting our own schedules, making a fortune and living out our dreams using this incredible "FREELANCE WORKING" Marketing system..

This is True Freedom. Whether you want a full-time home business, extra part-time money, or a security not found in today's workplace, everything is possible. Come explore how the "FREELANCE WORKING" Marketing Program capitalizes on today's megatrends and advancements in technology to help you build an incredibly successful home-based business!

What Is A Business Coach?
Will I really have help building my freelance marketing home-based business?

Why a business coach? Your business coach will be there to educate you about the FREELANCE Marketing Business. A coach can only work with someone who is already up to great things, but needs a vehicle and some direction. If someone is going down the wrong road, He doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around!

In the business world, all successful business people surround themselves with coaches. Frequently, they are referred to as consultants, investment advisors, specialists, etc.. The reason most of these individuals are so successful is because the coaches are behind them helping them break through barriers that normally would have stopped them.

Your business coach is a real person who will work with you as often as you want. If that translates into three times a day or every other week, they will be there for you. Your coach's commitment is to teach you how to build a successful home-based, freelance marketing business. Your coach's commitment will be determined by your teachability and your actions. However, ultimately, you create your own success. Our commitment is for you to have a successful business. That's where our success lies - in our commitment to helping others get what they want!

"This could be your office"!
The sentic view of America's
wildlife and streams.
"Instead of 3 walls of a cubicle".

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Freelance Workers Of America
PO Box 67325
Marietta, GA 30006

Phone: (770) 984-0504

Fax: (770) 984-0504

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